Media roundup: Tropcn

Everything is “artificial intelligence” this, AI that. But Tropicana has never contained anything artificial. So we took the AI out of Tropicana by removing the letters A and I to create “Tropcn.” The refreshing name change made a splash at CES 2024 in Las Vegas and is found on 100 bottles hidden in grocery stores all over the country.

AI’s got nothing on all-natural goodness. And people noticed:

CNN: “Tropicana is one company that’s ditching AI.”

Ad Age (Editor’s Pick): “Tropicana becomes ‘Tropcn’ after ditching AI from its name at CES.”

The Drum: #1 in “5 of the best AI-powered food & drink ads.”

The Drum: “Tropicana leans into (and also pushes back against) AI fervor in new stunt.”

AgencySpy: “Wednesday Stir.”

Trend Hunter: “Tropicana’s ‘Tropcn’ packaging reminds it’s not artificial.”

Fox Business: “Tropicana removes letters ‘A’ and ‘I’ from its name to highlight natural ingredients: ‘never artificial.'”

The Sun U.S.: “Juicy idea: Tropicana changes its name for the first time ever and the decision is all about ‘intelligence.'”

Yahoo! Finance: “Tropicana is one company that’s ditching AI.”

CNET: “The Weirdest Products of CES 2024.”

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