C-K’s Work/Life: Sonya Jagers.

C-K Work/Life features stories about the many hobbies, passion projects, side gigs, interests and hustles that C-Kers pursue in their lives.

Sonya Jagers is an office administrator/proofreader at C-K’s Milwaukee office. When she’s not at C-K, Sonya runs a baking business called “Sonya’s Sweet Somethings.” She also writes a blog about natural hair blog called “2dimplzs.”  

Tell us about Sonya’s Sweet Somethings.

In a nutshell, Sonya’s Sweet Somethings came about when I obsessed over making the perfect peanut butter cookie, which is my husband’s favorite cookie. Once I perfected the recipe, my family and friends kept encouraging me to sell them. This was over ten years ago. I finally got serious about it, came up with a name for my business, and started from there.

Triple Rich Peanut Butter Cookies
Triple Rich Peanut Butter Cookies

How long have you been baking?

Honestly, since I was little. I was always in the kitchen with my mom, who is a wonderful baker of everything. My mom always had my sisters and I helping her bake cakes, pies, cookies, homemade dinner rolls and breads, and eventually she let us loose to bake on our own.

What’s your baking process like? How long does it take to get the right batch?

It took me several years to perfect my peanut butter cookie recipe and process. Now that I know what it takes to make a soft rich cookie, I pretty much know what to do to achieve that.

Snickerdoodle Cookies
Snickerdoodle Cookies

Do you have any advice for people who are interested in baking, but don’t know where to begin/too scared to create something from scratch?

Just start baking, and practice, practice, practice! Let your family and friends be your guinea pigs. You have to experiment in order to find the perfect combination of ingredients. Find a recipe and put your own spin on it. Figure out how you can make it better. Let your creative juices and taste buds go! Also don’t let fear hold you back. You’ll never know until you try.

On top of working at C-K, running a business AND being a natural hair blogger—how do you find time for yourself?

Right now, I’m able to keep things balanced. When the cookie orders start to really roll in, that’s when things will get interesting – and I won’t complain!

Oatmeal Cranberry Cookies"
Oatmeal Cranberry Cookies”

Anything else you would like to share?

Whatever your passion is, it’s never too late to pursue it. Make it happen.

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