Every time you have to write another headline, a Corona gets its lime.
By Bill Dow, Group Creative Director and Jim Bernardin, Senior Copywriter
We have written roughly 1,000 “Corona gets its lime” lines. One thousand one if you count the headline to this post above. They’ve been in TV spots, hyper-targeted pre-roll videos, bus sides, wall sides, and crumpled up pieces of paper on the floor of our office. But there are always more to write.
That’s the thing about this campaign – there are always more reasons for a Corona to get its lime. Because there are always more reasons for someone to skip work on a sunny day. To find their favorite people and their new favorite place. To crack open a Corona, escape the grind, and put the world on pause for a while.
This year, we were writing our first total market version of the campaign. So, we had new reasons. New reasons mean new insights. New insights mean new inspiration. Which means new headlines. Sounds easy, right?
Every time you get to the fourth paragraph, a Corona gets its lime. See how easy that was? But that’s a terrible headline. So, we get to go write more. Always trying to beat the ones already on the page. Always looking for a new way to say something timeless – that there’s nothing like a Corona for when you need a timeout, a pause, an escape or a getaway in plain sight.
We wrote more lines this year. Two commercials worth of them made it out into the world with 5 lines each. Since there’s a success rate of about 1% for these lines…pauses to try to do math…can’t remember how math works…remembers why he became a creative…(Editor’s note: that would mean 1000 lines to get to these two commercials.).
And we’re not done. There are always more reasons. More Friday nights. More Saturday afternoons. More sunny days and starry nights. More old friends and new friends. There will always be more Coronas getting their limes.

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