The age of a new crisis for brands and AI.

By Maria Frost, SVP, Executive Director of Social & PR

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become the newest buzz word in our industry. Brands are quickly jumping on the technology, and often without consideration of any legal or cultural ramifications. Is AI simply a trend or is it here to stay? Many argue it is here to stay and will further evolve, even potentially taking over job functions and causing people to have to compete with what is essentially a computer.

No, this isn’t a science fiction novel. This is quickly becoming our reality and brands need to be prepared to keep up with the pace. This includes evolving your brand’s crisis communications plan, a crucial step as the world navigates AI and misinformation quickly spreads.

Three Key Considerations for Your AI Crisis Communications Plan:

1. Become more agile with your legal team

Social media has made conversations happen more often with legal teams but the frequency will need to continue to increase as AI moves much faster. Consider having weekly check points with your legal team specifically on the topic of AI to learn about the latest industry news and brand mishaps to ensure you are always updating your crisis communications plan.

2. Don’t set it and forget it

Your new crisis communications plan will need to be updated often to account for the new changes happening every day with AI. Think of it like the dawn of the social media era 15+ years ago. Every day is bringing a new update or case study to review which will quickly date your plan and you won’t be prepared when a crisis hits.

3. Prepare for how your brand will be impacted

It’s tough to predict the future but developing an AI crisis communications plan will be your first step in determining how to combat any misinformation that AI generates around your brand. When developing the plan, prioritize the most important values to your brand to be able to determine key escalation points and what team members in your process to include.

Looking for more? Reach out to Maria Frost, PR/Social team lead, at to discuss what your brand needs are and how C-K can develop an AI crisis communications plan for you.

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