C-K Coffee Talk: G. Andrew Meyer.

While we work from home, we didn’t want to miss out on our morning chats over coffee that let us really get to know fellow C-Kers. We recently sat down with our SVP, executive creative director G. Andrew Meyer. We were surprised to learn about how he actually started in IT and maneuvered his way into a creative role.

“I kind of did this ‘Good Will Hunting’ thing that, in retrospect, was nuts,” he explained. You’ll…just have to watch to hear the story.

We also learn why it’s sometimes okay to go rogue and the difference between a good creative and a great creative.

Something that didn’t make the final cut: the connection between meditation and motorcycles.

“I have different forms of meditation. I’m a motorcyclist and that’s definitely a form of meditation for me. I like to ride alone because I don’t want to have to worry about what anyone else is doing. But I do worry about the traffic and the danger of it all and thinking of it that way empties your mind of all distractions because you’re solely focused on this physical activity. You have to really watch everything around you. By the end of it you feel fully refreshed and rebooted—so my forms of meditation are things like that.”

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