How COVID-19 is impacting culture and consumer behavior: May 18 – 22.

By C-K’s Brand Planning and PR/Social teams

With an economic crisis unfurling,  we are in the beginning stages of grasping the hidden costs of the pandemic.

(Read the trends for May 11 – 15.)

The Rise of the Shecession

In past consumer trends, we have discussed the impact the pandemic has had on parents, working from home and wearing multiple hats like caregiver, provider and educator. However, as we turn our attention towards reopening, working women are being hit especially hard, causing a “Shecession.”  ​

Gen Z Will Suffer the Long-Term Effects 

Although they have a much lower mortality rate, some argue that in the long run, Gen Z will be the generation hit hardest by COVID. The pandemic is putting them behind in everything from schooling (1.5 billion students are out of school) to jobs, to unemployment (topping 24% in April among 21-24 year olds, the highest among any age group). Mentally, it is the defining moment of their lives that will leave an indelible mark.​

The End of theNeighborhood?

With small to midsized businesses making up 50% of the American workforce, improvement in unemployment numbers are dependent on these businesses being able to weather the storm. These businesses have been falling behind in their bills, especially restaurants and hotels. As states begin to reopen, they’ll be challenged to be successful in a time of social distancing guidelines. The longer the recovery, the harder it will be to make a meaningful reduction in unemployment numbers.​

Delivery AppBacklash

Delivery apps have been a popular and convenient way for consumers to order from their favorite restaurants while maintaining safe social distancing guidelines, but many of these apps are coming under scrutiny for their high fees. In fact, some of these food delivery services charge as much as a 40% markup, creating major implications for restaurants, particularly mom and pop operators, struggling to survive during COVID-19.​

The Priceof Public Safety

Consumers are increasingly sensitive about who has access to their data. While some industries have garnered a greater sense of trust, like healthcare and financial services, no industry has earned a trust rating of 50% for data protection. As the world looks for ways to reopen, there’s a general agreement that data access is the key to tracking and managing the virus. But giving data access to governments through “track and trace” is sounding the alarm for consumers as they are challenged with the choice between privacy and a return to normalcy. Just what are people willing to give up?​

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