C-K’s Work/Life: Rebecca Wilson of Joybuilt.

C-K Work/Life features stories about the many hobbies, passion projects, side gigs, interests and hustles that C-Kers pursue in their lives.

Rebecca Wilson has worked at C-K for a total of two and a half years. She is a designer so gets to work on a little of everything, which makes her always quick on her feet and a great team player. Three years ago, she started Joybuilt, an independent home, lifestyle and design studio – or what Rebecca would call it, a hybrid home décor boutique and streetwear shop.

When and why did you decide to create Joybuilt?

I started Joybuilt in 2016, took some breaks and hiatuses, but am relaunching this year!  I’ve always wanted to start my own brand and use it as a way to express myself.

Why did you decide to focus on home décor and streetwear?

It just felt natural for me. When I was thinking about what Joybuilt should be as a brand, I wanted to make sure it was authentic to myself, so I literally just asked, “What makes me happy?” I’ve always had a passion for art and creating, but I’ve found other passions in clothing and decorating my home. Since I wanted my brand to be a genuine expression of my passions, I just went with what fills me with happiness and hope it fills others with happiness as well!

What inspires you to continue this passion project?

The people who support me are definitely what inspire me. I have days where I majorly doubt myself or where I don’t feel like doing anything, but those who believe in my work, my amazing friends and my insanely supportive boyfriend keep me inspired, motivated and going!

How do you find time for this passion project while working at C-K?

I work on it whenever I have a free moment of time. Sometimes that means only a couple minutes and sometimes it means all-nighters.

How has this passion helped you in your life at C-K?

Joybuilt makes me feel inspired, proud and driven – and overall, when I’m thinking about Joybuilt I’m thinking about how I can be a better me, so I feel that translates well to my day-to-day including at C-K!

What is the best piece of advice you received about your career?

Short and sweet – do what makes you happy.

What has been the most rewarding part of having this passion project?

The most rewarding part is bringing forth a brand that is 100% true to myself and sharing that passion and happiness with others! When I see a positive response to something that is so close to me, it’s totally priceless.

Anything else you want to share?

If there’s something that you want to do, just do it. Pour your heart into it and don’t give up. I’ve put off starting Joybuilt back up for years, and now that I have, the fire inside of me has never been brighter!

For more information, check out Rebecca’s website: joybuilt.com or follow her on Instagram @joybuilt

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